The improvement of spelling is a focus for teaching and learning across the school. At Bowker Vale Primary School we aim for all children to achieve the highest possible standards of spelling. We want children to spell well and to achieve satisfaction and pride in spelling well. Whilst we do not want a fear of incorrect spelling to undermine children’s willingness and motivation to write using a broad range of ambitious vocabulary, we expect teachers to set clear expectations for children, so that words previously taught are spelt correctly and that children have a range of strategies to help them spell unknown words. We recognise that spelling is a fundamental part of the writing process and believe that when spelling becomes automatic, children can focus on their skills of composition, sentence structure and precise word choice.
Click here for details of how children progress in their Phonics, Grammar and Spelling at Bowker Vale from Nursery to Year 6.
Children are taught phonics and spelling from Nursery through to Year Six. Have a look at the spelling rules and patterns taught from Year Two to Year Six.
How you can help at home
Please help your child to learn their spellings. They will be tested weekly and their results will be sent home with the new spellings for the following week.
Bowker Vale Spelling Strategies