Bowker Vale Primary School

Aiming High; Showing Integrity {{Being Respectful, Honest, Fair and Proud}}

Middleton Road,
Higher Crumpsall,
Manchester, M8 4NB

0161 740 5993

World Book Day 2018

All of the adults and children really enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. They came into school dressed as their favourite book character and then showed off their costumes in assembly. The best costumes were awarded a book token, although the decision was very tough as they all looked so fantastic.

Throughout the week pupils also decorated their classroom doors with work relating to a book. The winning door, which was 4DT, have won a trip to the library next term.

We also launched a design a bookmark competition. It was really difficult to decide who the winner was, but finally we all agreed that it should be Joshua in Year 5. His entry will be made into a real bookmark and all pupils in the school will be given one to keep. Well done to everyone who entered!