Welcome to 2M
Hi, I'm Mrs Moseley and welcome to 2M's class webpage.
Our Teaching Assistants in Year 2 are Miss Yarwood and Miss Dobson, who help us with our learning.
Click here for our newsletter which will inform you all about our learning this term; _Spring Term Newsletter
Please click here to see our end of Year 2 expectations.
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Indoor PE you will need your blue school T shirt and black shorts/leggings. No footwear is required.
Outdoor PE you will need black jogging bottoms/leggings, blue school T shirt and black trainers.
Spellings: These will be handed out on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday.
Homework is set in a homework book on a Wednesday and is due back the following Monday.
It is expected your child reads for a minimum of 10 minutes every night. Please keep track of your child’s at-home reading by filling in the reading log each night. Your child MUST have their reading book and log in school every day.