WELCOME TO 1S- Mrs Stubbs
Hi, I'm Mrs Stubbs and I will be the class teacher in Year 1S.
Mrs Stubbs will be the class teacher Monday - Thursday and Mrs Hyde will teach on a Friday.
Also working in 1S is Mrs Wojcik.
Welcome to our class page!
Click on the links below for more information.
You can view our newsletter by clicking here - Spring Term Newsletter
Please click here to see the end of year expectations for Year One
Handwriting practice
Username bvps_4
Password 1S
Indoor PE will be on Thursday. The kit required is the Bowker Vale school PE top (which has been provided to the children free of charge this year only) and black shorts.
Outdoor PE will be on Fridays. The kit required is Bowker Vale school PE top and black leggings/joggers and black trainers.
The children will get changed in school. Their kit will be left in school and sent home half termly to be cleaned.
Homework is set each week. It is expected that all children complete their homework, which is usually practising something from class. It is set in a homework book, on a sheet or on SeeSaw on a Wednesday and is due back the following Monday.
Spellings/Sounds - will be handed out on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday
It is expected your child reads for a minimum of 10 minutes every night. Please keep track of your child’s at-home reading by filling in the reading log each night. Your child MUST have their reading book and log in school every day.