Bowker Vale Primary School

Aiming High; Showing Integrity {{Being Respectful, Honest, Fair and Proud}}

Middleton Road,
Higher Crumpsall,
Manchester, M8 4NB

0161 740 5993

Y6T MRS thomason

Hi, I'm Mrs Thomason and welcome to 6T's class web page!

In 6T we are joined by Mr Stringer and Miss Maclennan, who help us with our learning each day, and Mrs Hyde and Mrs Griffin who will be teaching us some afternoons. 

Click on our class newsletter to see what we will be learning this half term.

 Please click here to see the end of year expectations for year six.


Year 6 Frequently Asked Questions


                                                                  Keep up to date with what's going on with our year six blog below.


Homework and Spellings will be set every Tuesday.  The homework needs to be completed and submitted by the following Monday.


Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school.

In Spring, PE is every Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday is indoor PE. For this, your child will need black shorts/leggings and school t-shirt (no footwear is required).

Thursday is outdoor PE. For this, your child will need black shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings, school t-shirt and black trainers.