Maths is led by Mrs Thomason and Miss Dunleavy at Bowker Vale.
In nursery and reception, we use the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and assessments of the children to plan our maths learning. In years one to six, we use the National Curriculum objectives and assessments of the children to plan our maths learning.
When a new area of learning in maths is being introduced in each year group, staff will add a 'maths knowledge organiser' to their year group blog page. These knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that your child will cover. At the start of the year, everyone will focus on Number and Place Value.
Below is an example of a maths knowledge organiser (for year six).
Written Calculations
We teach the children written methods to answer addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. Our calculation policy can be downloaded here:
Mental Calculations
We use 'RAPACODANUMBO' to help us with our mental maths. We teach the children the different methods to add and subtract in their heads. Then they choose and use the most efficient method to gain the answers to questions.
'RA' stands for round and adjust. For example 67 + 9 =
Put 67 in your head. Add ten =77. Then subtract one
'PA' stands for partition. For example 134 + 45 =
Put 134 in your head. Add 40 = 174. Then add 5 = 179.
'CO' stands for count on. For example 197 + 6 =
Put 197 in your head. Count on ... 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203.
'DA' stands for double and adjust. For example 29 + 30 =
Double 30 = 60. Then adjust by subtracting 1 = 59.
'NUMBO' stands for number bonds. For example 18 + 7 + 2 =
18 + 2 is a number bond to twenty, so do this first. Then add 7 = 27
Multiplication Tables
Learning the multiplication tables is very important. By the end of year four, we expect the children to know all of the multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. As well as being able to rapidly recall multiplication facts, the children should know the corresponding division facts. For example, if they know that 9 x 3 = 27, then they should also know that 3 x 9 = 27, 27 divided by 3 = 9 and 27 divided by 9 = 3.
Each child, in years two to six, has their own login for Times Tables Rock Stars where they can practise their multiplication tables. Please speak to your child's teacher if you need your child's login details again.
Make a Minute Count
We regularly practise counting. Please have a look at our Make a Minute Count booklet. It contains challenges and different activities, which we use in school, to help the children with their counting.
At Bowker Vale, we use resources and approaches to enable the children to understand and master the mathematics that they are learning. We use the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to develop the children's understanding of a concept.
Concrete representations - the children are first introduced to an idea or a skill by acting it out with real objects. In division, for example, this might be done by sharing 12 biscuits between 6 children.
Pictorial representations - the children relate their hands-on experiences to representations, such as a diagram or a picture of the problem.
Abstract representations - the children represent problems using mathematical notations for example 12 x 4 = 48.
Below, children in key stage one are learning through practical activities. They are working on number bonds using a range of concrete resources such as bead strings, number lines and Numicon.
We provide activities which require the children to think and reason mathematically for themselves.
Below, children in each year group were given the problem _ _ + _ = and an answer. The children had to work out what the question could be. For example, the year two children were asked _ _ + _ = 20, what could the missing digits be? The year three children were asked _ _ + _ = a multiple of four, what could the missing digits be? The year five children were asked _ _ + _ = a prime number, what could the missing digits be?
Useful Websites
The BBC Bitesize website is a free online study support resource which helps with learning, revision and homework.
For nursery and reception - EYFS BBC Bitesize
For key stage one - KS1 BBC Bitesize
For key stage two - KS2 BBC Bitesize
Oak Academy also provides high quality video lessons and resources.
For key stage one - KS1 Oak Academy
For key stage two - KS2 Oak Academy
Maths Interventions
We have a number of interventions in maths e.g. Lightning Maths, First Class @ Number, Numbers Count...
The children use lots of fun and practical activities and games.
"Children who don't happily participate in maths lessons may just need somebody to help their confidence grow."
"Parents may just need somebody to show them how to help their child at home"
"Sometimes there are a hundred different ways to teach something - and sometimes you have to use them all!"
Maths Workshops
When relevant, we invite people into school to deliver maths workshops. Recently, we have had the Explore Learning team and the National Numeracy team visit us.
Family Involvement
We also invite families into school to take part in maths workshops and to see their children learning in the classroom.