The way we manage data and information in the school has changed and we have appointed Global Policing to act as the school’s data protection officers. Data Protection regulations give parents, children, teachers and anyone we hold information on the power to request:
- To arrange an appointment to view all the information we hold on you.
- To ask for the information to be changed.
- To ask for the information to be deleted.
To request any of these services you are to contact Global Policing directly and request them to contact you back:
Phone: 0161 212 1681 (Voicemail Service)
Our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices are attached below. These documents will provide you with more information about the new regulations. Please take the time to read these documents. Each child will need to have a privacy notice completed and signed by the parent/carer.
Please click on the links for information:
- Data Protection Policy
- Privacy Notice - Parent/Carer
- Privacy Notice - Teacher & Staff
- Global Policing Poster
If you have any questions, contact Global Policing directly on the contact information detailed above.
Thank you