Bowker Vale Primary School

Aiming High; Showing Integrity {{Being Respectful, Honest, Fair and Proud}}

Middleton Road,
Higher Crumpsall,
Manchester, M8 4NB

0161 740 5993

  2. Wellbeing


At Bowker Vale, the strengths and successes of all our children are considered and celebrated. We recognise that for some of our children, academic success is more difficult if their social and emotional needs are not being met. Some of our children may need specific skills, such as self regulation skills and group and peer communication skills to be specifically taught. Our curriculum and learning policy outlines the key qualities required for both effective conditions for learning and what appropriate behaviour for learning is. In order for all children to be able to function and make progress, wellbeing is considered in all aspects of the school day. Non statutory advice from the DFE statesSchools have an important role to play in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children by developing whole school approaches tailored to their particular needs, as well as considering the needs of individual pupils’ (November, 2018).


The importance of and the values of Wellbeing are exemplified in everything we do at Bowker Vale. Wellbeing is not taught as a discrete subject, but the values and ethos of Bowker Vale mean that the Wellbeing of our entire school community is of the greatest importance. Please click below to learn all about Wellbeing at Bowker Vale.


 The Bowker Vale Way - Wellbeing


Unicef - Rights Respecting School


We are very proud of the fact that we are a silver award 'Rights Respecting' School. Each of our classes have a class charter that all the children contribute to. Here is an example of the SSC Class Charter:


SSC Class Charter 


SMSC - Developing our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development


Spiritual - at Bowker Vale our children and whole school community are reflective, knowledgeable and respectful of all beliefs, religions and cultures and are curious and inquisitive about the world around them.


Moral -  Bowker Vale children try their very best to be ready, respectful and safe because they try hard to understand the difference between right and wrong and appreciate the rights and values of others.


Social - Bowker Vale children have a range of opportunities to take part in discussions with people of different viewpoints and understand how to resolve conflict.


Cultural - at Bowker Vale all our children have an opportunity to take an active part in a range of cultural activities. 

PSHE Lessons

Each class has a weekly PSHE lesson. At the start of every year, our whole school focus is 'The Zones of Regulation' and emotional literacy and regulation.

Children in the EYFS and KS1 explore emotions and emotional regulation through stories such as 'The Colour Monster'.

Our whole school curriculum for the PSHE curriculum is the 3D curriculum. Please see the PSHE page for more information. 




The wider work that we do...

See below and also click below to visit our Wellbeing Blog where you will see more of our fantastic learning.

Wellbeing Blog 


Family workshops to learn about healthy eating...

Peer massage club in the Lotus Room...